Lisa Jo invites us to join her, every Friday...
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you &
encourage them in their comments. That is like the one rule we all
really care about. For reals.
OK, are you ready? I’ve had this word on my heart for you all week.
Usually I’m wondering what the prompt will be right up until nearly
midnight myself. But this week – this week I think a few of you at least
need this word…
There is a sweetness in being cherished. A thrill in the early stages of love that every note, flower, kiss and touch leaves you feeling cherished. As the years go by the need of feeling cherished grows stronger. I want you to remember to leave me a note when you leave, hold my hand, wrap me in a hug. Remind me that you don't forget about those sweet moments of intimacy amidst all the chaos of every day. Help me to cherish the moments when little ones climb into bed with us, safer there between mom and dad than anywhere else. Remind me that when the lights grow dim and a family of seven crowds onto the couch, that Friday night movie times are the family moments to cherish forever. Sometimes it comes easy in the early days of two to remember to cherish each other but don't let the habit fall by the wayside. Everyone needs to be cherished, feel cherished and while after thirteen years it becomes something we remember to do, it is every bit as precious as it was on day one.
Have a wonderful weekend. Go "cherish" a moment with a loved one, now.
Be blessed.