Friday, May 25, 2012

Takin' Five on Friday - Opportunity

It's been a while since I've done this, but I'm back because it's worth it!!

Love taking the time to capture these five minutes with Gypsy Mama and her "group" it's such a pleasure.


Opportunity, it means so much.

I find myself learning to reflect that each day is an opportunity to make it all that it can be.  I can choose joy (miss you Gitz!) or I can choose gloom.  I can see the beauty in a post jammies sandbox adventure or I can see the mess that in brings inside.
Opportunities are everywhere and each opportunity of living is more gifts within itself.  It's not just about a new job, experience or venture into the unknown, it's about living.

It's the chance to write unedited blabber from within because we can.  Because we're truly capturing what we're thinking.  It's the opportunity to be completely honestly real and know that we're accepted (and accepting) because of who we gather 'round this bonfire with.

It's a chance to be me.  In whatever form I let it take.  In whatever direction I go.  See the opportunities before me for what they are, God's blessings.


I just jump in on these five minute Fridays but I'm enjoying a reason to look up words in the dictionary.

Opportunity - a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something

Oh, yeah, that's SOOOOOO a God thing!!!

Deo Volente!!

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