Wednesday, April 13, 2011

OTG - 11

I'm done.  I'm sad, happy, empty, full, anxious, relaxed...LOVED.
I have finally finished the book.  I didn't see all the videos, I hope to...eventually.  This book has touched me so deeply, so real, so thoroughly that I can only say THANK YOU LORD, that I didn't miss out on this one!
Life is amazing, right here, right now.  It's not about yesterday, nor is it about tomorrow.  It's not about 'someday when...' or 'if only'.  Life is God's Love.  God's Love is right here, right now, in the laundry scattered down the stairs, a load in the washer, one in the dryer, blankets on the clothes line and baskets brimming.  He has so overwhelmingly blessed me that I'm blind to the beauty of it.  Thank you Lord for Ann, thank you for her strength to put these words together, for those that helped her put it all together that she could share them with us and open our eyes to the beauty of your love.  Thank you Lord for my 'friends' through the book club, the ones I may never meet, the ones I may never talk to on the phone, but that my heart felt your love through.
Thank You Lord!!!!!
I have found the truest light for my path and strength for my soul.  Your love for me is all that I will ever need to endure all that life will throw at me.  You have blessed me so completely that my cup runneth over and I drink from the saucer of joyful abundance.  You love me unconditionally, knowing all of my faults, crimes and misdeeds and you loved me enough to make the utmost sacrifice.  What an amazing comfort and peace that gives me.
Right here, right now, I need nothing else, you anticipate my every need and will never leave me wanting.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the blessing!!  My utmost for all that I do.


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